Arie Drost

* June 20 1927, Dedemsvaart
Dec 23 1984, Edmonton

Arie Drost emigrated from Holland to Canada. He married Jopie v.d. Brink. From this marriage four daughters were born.

Picture (X-mas 2003) Standing, fom left to right: Joan, Maryanne, Marjorie, Cathy. Sitting: Aunt Johanna

It is always nice to get together and they try to do it at least 4 times a year.  As the children get older, it is harder but they all try to come and spend some time with the whole family.  All of  us sisters get along real well and talk on the phone or e-mail each other lots.  We all live within a half hour driving from each other and my mother so that is also good.

The sisters:

Catherine Drost

Joan Drost

Majorie Drost

Mary Ann


Catherine Drost  is married to Henry Uniat. He is a carpenter. They have a son called Matthew (*Sept 11 1996). Cathy writes (Dec 2003):

We are really enjoying the website which you have done a lot of work to set up.  My sisters, are also enjoying the site very much and appreciate all the information we are learning about our dad's family.  I have met all our Drost cousins here in Alberta and are getting to know each other more, especially with the last Drost reunion last summer.  It is such a pleasure to share stories with each other.  This also  our children stories & information about their families.  I have been corresponding with your brother Jaap over the computer and enjoy his letters very much.  I share them with my family and my son enjoys the stories Jaap shares with us about his type of work and some of the web sites he has forwarded us to.  It has also brought my mother to correspond with your mom (which they had done many years ago, but had been discontinued).  My mom is so happy to be able to write with your mom again.  I have also written with  Uncle William & Auntie Ida in Holland.  I also share their letters with my family and these are greatly appreciated by us all.  Uncle William does very good with his English correspondence.


Joan Drost  is married to Doug Wallator. He is a policeman.


Marjorie Drost  is married to Roger Charest. Hij has a job at the radio-station Cker. They have 2 boys. The family lives on an acreage just east of the city of Edmonton and has a property on the edge of a big pond.  In the winter time the kids have lots of fun skating and snowmobiling.  Dec 2003: "This year  there's not as much snow as usual but there is still enough snow for that". 

Dec 16 2007.  My  boys are now 20 and 22 years old and my older boy, Andrew was married this summer.  I have attached a picture of my husband Roger, myself, Andrew and his new wife Kristen and our younger son Carter who is 6 feet 8 inches. I have also attached an updated picture of Catherine, Joan, myself (Marjorie), Mary Anne and my mom, Jopie, taken at the wedding on August 24, 2007 (see below). Can you also add my email address along with my husband , Rogers.


Mary Ann Drost  is married to Perry Schmidt. He works at a lumber plant. They have a boy and girl, 17 and 19

 ph 780-458-1485